#e <t>battle<n>Ben-Hadad defeats Omri<d>880(5)<info>Either Ben-Hadad I or his successor, Ben-Hadad II, annexed several Israelite cities, and secured the right to have Aramaic "streets" or bazaars in Samaria.
#e <t>siege<n>Assyrians besiege Damascus<d>734<e>732<c>Damascus<info>Rezin is executed and the city destroyed.
#e <n>Seleucid kingdom of Syria established<d>301<c>Syria
#e <n>Syrian kingdom divided<d>111<c>Syria<info>In 111 B.C. the Syrian kingdom was divided. Antiochus Cyzicenus became king of Coele-Syria (Transjordan), and made Damascus his capitol.